Bonding Ceremony

Most couples choose to symbolize their marriage bond by wearing wedding bands. So did Marc and Julie, but they decided that permanent tattoos would be more significant to them than jewellery.

Sometime after their return from Greece, they made their way to Skin Illusions Tattoo Studio, where tattoo artist Haley Depatie did an excellent job tattooing the couple’s chosen designs.

Since finger tattoos can wear off, and since folds in the skin can cause blurring, they wanted something simple and easy to touch up for their ring finger tattoos. So they decided to get each other’s first names in Morse code!

But they also wanted more symbolic matching couple tattoos. Together, they chose an eternity symbol with a built-in feather. Although the tattoos match, they are also different, reflecting each individual style and personality. The eternity symbol stands for the couple’s mutual commitment to each other. For Julie, the feather is reminiscent of a quill, representing her love of the written word. For Marc, the eagle feather is representative of his First Nations heritage.

The next day, they held a private and personal unity tree planting ceremony at their home. This tradition represents beginning a new life together, and the tree will be a physical, everyday reminder that as it grows tall and digs deep roots, so will their relationship along with it. Nurturing the tree will also remind them to take care of each other as they continue to grow as individuals over time.

They then commemorated the occasion with a special meal together at home in homage to how they intend to lead their new life together — with good food, great wine, and a pleasant evening doing something they enjoy together.